Saint Patrick’s Day

Today is Thursday 17th March, which means our school (Seminario Menor Agustiniano) turns into green colour as we always do on Saint Patrick´s Day.
This year, our students of 4º ESO have been working hard to create twelve different quizzes based on the life of Saint Patrick as well as some others aspects of the Irish life and culture such as geography, economy, thew Gaelic Irish language, what the shamrock represents, Hill of Tara, Cliffs of Moher, the Aran Islands the Irish crosses, the abbey of Glendalough and so on and on and on.
During the break time, many students and teachers tried their knowledge (and sometimes luck) in order to check how much they know. They even were given some prizes whenever they succeeded.
All in all, we all have learned and enjoyed a lot during this fun day.
Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit!!! (as they say in Gaelic language) or Happy Saint Patrick´s Day!!! (as we say in English).

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